
Showing posts from March, 2020

Poster Plans


Poster Photos 1


Test Posters 1

These are two test posters I have made to test out the layout I have planned so far. For this poster I like the way the phone is positioned in the frame and the facial expression on the subjects face in the photo. I'm not sure if I like the purple border around the picture, along with where the slogan is positioned at the top, as viewers might mistake that for the title of the show. For this poster I like the subjects hands and how they are reached out in front as if they are trying ti get back the laptop that has been taken away from them. Again I don't like where the slogan is, as people might mistake it as the title of the show. I might change the layout again and not have the purple border around the picture, and change the font of the title and slogan. I want to keep the purple within the poster to relate it to E4, and show that it is being shown on E4. I also need to add when the show is coming out and what time the show is on, so that viewers now

Layout of the poster

My Reality TV Show I took inspiration from reality tv shows such as, “The Island” and “Man vs Wild”. I wanted to base my show around a survival type thing where people have to complete a series of challenges to gain points or get out of somewhere where they are trapped.