
Poster 3


Poster 2


Poster 1


Statement of Intent

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) covers a wide range of different ads across social media, like press ads, Radio and TV ads (including teleshopping presentations), Ads on the internet, smartphones and tablets, Ad claims on companies’ own websites, Commercial e-mail and text messages, Posters/billboards Leaflets and brochures Ads at the cinema Direct mail, whether addressed to you personally or not. Along with this, they have rules alongside advertisement, such as compliance, which states that advertisements should not mislead or cause serious or widespread offence or harm, especially to children or the vulnerable. This is to protect target audiences and make sure what is advertised to them is for them and not to offend them in any way. Another rule is children which states, children must be protected from advertisements that could cause physical, mental or moral harm. This is to ensure parents that what is being advertised to their children is safe for them and won’t cause the

Poster Photos 3


Poster Photos 2
