Statement of Intent

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) covers a wide range of different ads across social media, like press ads, Radio and TV ads (including teleshopping presentations), Ads on the internet, smartphones and tablets, Ad claims on companies’ own websites, Commercial e-mail and text messages, Posters/billboards Leaflets and brochures Ads at the cinema Direct mail, whether addressed to you personally or not. Along with this, they have rules alongside advertisement, such as compliance, which states that advertisements should not mislead or cause serious or widespread offence or harm, especially to children or the vulnerable. This is to protect target audiences and make sure what is advertised to them is for them and not to offend them in any way. Another rule is children which states, children must be protected from advertisements that could cause physical, mental or moral harm. This is to ensure parents that what is being advertised to their children is safe for them and won’t cause them any harm. For my tv show one particular rule applies, which is the competition rule which states, competitions should be conducted fairly, prizes should be described accurately and rules should be clear and made known. If my tv (Can You Turn Off Your CellPhone?) were to be a reality tv show. I would make sure that the prize given to the winner of the show is clearly explained and would entail exactly what would be said in the rules and explanations of the show when people see the poster and sign up.

Many broadcasting stations love to show reality tv shows because it entertains their audiences. Broadcasting stations like E4 show comedy like shows because of their name, as the E in E4 stands for entertainment. Their job is to entertain the viewers and broadcast a variety of shows that appeal to certain audiences. My reality tv show (Can You Turn Off Your Cellphone?) would be a great addition to the E4 broadcasting station because a lot of the reality tv shows they have are based on some sort of competition where participants complete a series of challenges to win a prize, such as ‘Come Dine with Me’ and ‘Coachtrip’. For my reality tv, a group of teenagers will be asked to complete a series of everyday challenges but they will have their phones and any technology taken away so they can’t search up or research how to complete the tasks, relying on each other and their own skills to get through the challenges and win the prize.

With this reality tv show I am trying to portray the younger generation in a different light than they already are. There is a negative representation that teenagers cannot survive without any source of technology like our phones, but people tend to ignore the other teenagers who can do perfectly fine without having a phone in their life. This show is to change peoples views on teenagers and show that they are capable of working together with other people alongside them and communicating using their voice rather than texting someone, and lastly being able to spend some time off their phone and not glued to it 24/7. I don’t want to portray teenagers in a bad light because in every young person they have the potential to become someone overtake the negative portrayment people give them.
For the posters I am going to make sure that people know exactly what they are going to expect when they see these posters. Every poster will have an image of a young person having some sort of technology (primarily phone) taken away from them with a surprised face. This is to play along with the negative representation but will surprise people when they actually watch the show. I would like to have a block font and dirt like pattern to mimic the survival shows such as ‘Bear Grylls’ to interest the viewers as to what type of challenges the contestants will be completing. To show that this will be an E4 show, I will include a purple outline either around the poster or across the poster in purple so people will recognise the E4 show without even having to look at the E4 logo that will be placed on the poster in the top left corner of the poster. Lastly I want the tagline to create a sense of fear in viewers to make them think if they could go on the show and win, this is to intrigue the viewers and make them want to see the show and see what it’s all about.


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